Our Story

How it all started...

Bethlehem Baptist Church was originally established Jun 29th, 1838.  It had humble beginnings as a small log house with one door and one window.
In 1961, the church was expanded and renovated to  what is pictured to the right.
Exterior, 1961
Interior, 1961

The Great Tornado of 1970

In 1970, a tornado hit and destroyed the church. There are stories that while everything in the church was destroyed, untouched and unscathed was The Bible--lying among the ruins.
The church was rebuilt in 1970 and its members faithfully continued on.
after being rebuilt in 1970

Rebuilding After Destruction

The church was rebuilt and the faithful congregants continued meeting.
taken from the Bethlehem 1989 Directory
taken from the Bethlehem 1989 Directory
taken from the Bethlehem 1989 Directory

Growth and Expansion...

In 1996, a new church building was erected and renovated to what Bethlehem Baptist Church is today. It's membership now includes 200+ faithful church members who are involved in many of our volunteer and community outreach programs.

Where we are headed...

Every day we are working towards reaching more and more our our surrounding community, and our world.  
We are beginning Phase 1 of our new construction project and are projecting completion by the end of 2025.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30am.